(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)

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关灯 护眼 舒适     字体:

“i love yy fr ll, drr ve y y yt, lug . r . “’d ’t ko dlf, re y e yd ve y. fu.”

dre s.

“i lo e f r.”

tery, r u elw.

d, r r , t d.

, to d rry .

“y tr reur, , . “ever y ’w.”



lrry w.


after te.

everyr gee, r.

“er’s ” r, ju hw yr.”

t, er .

“ai’ r , hr. dr h wss r rffort d w .”

dr k’ure y”

, .”


“i got old. gr e ue.”

r l r, if only f tve e ’r.

“rd e .

“yee rd r. “ .”

“ better there.”


“yrved fr x

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